Have your say at this year’s Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is coming up in August. Attending the AGM gives you the opportunity to find out who the newly elected Trustees are, learn about LA Health’s financial standing as well as changes that can affect your membership. It’s also your chance to ask questions about how LA Health is managed and start discussions about matters that affect the Scheme.

All you need to do is formally send us the matters you want discussed (motions) and attend the meeting –at your own cost.

When and where

Date: 15 August 2018

Time: 14:00

Place: Southern Sun Elangeni and Maharani, Durban

Meet your new Trustees

The Board of Trustees manages LA Health Medical Scheme on your behalf. They are responsible for making important decisions that affect your benefits and the Scheme. In May’s trustee election, you voted who you wanted to make decisions on your behalf for the next six years.

KMPG, our external auditor, has counted the votes and we will announce your new Trustees at the AGM.


  1. Welcome and quorum
  2. Note and approve the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 16 August 2017
  3. Annual Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report for the year ended 31 December 2017
  4. Board of Trustees’ Annual Report (as per Section 37(1) of the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998)
  5. Appointment of KPMG as the Scheme’s external auditors
  6. Consideration: Notices of Motion for referral to the Board of Trustees for final decision
  7. Introduction to the Chairperson’s Report

Topics for discussion

You have the right to send us a motion (formally suggest a matter to discuss at the meeting). A motion is not for discussing your personal experience of the Scheme (for example, to ask why a claim was not paid); it is to discuss matters that affect the running of the Scheme.

You need to let the Principal Officer know of any motions you would like to discuss at least seven days before the AGM. Your submission must reach the Principal Officer before 12:00 on Wednesday, 8 August 2018 so factor in extra time if you want to send it by post.

Email motions to rdutoit@lahealth.co.za, or post it to PO Box 652509, Benmore 2010.