Summer sun, sun care’s begun

It’s summer and South Africans have been feeling the heat since early November. Even if you’re only out in the sun on your commute to work, it’s important to protect yourself from the sun’s rays and drink enough water to stop dehydration. Both are important for beating the heat.


Sunny South Africa gets plenty of sunshine. This makes it important to always wear sunscreen, even if you’re only going to be in the sun for a short time. Put sunscreen on all skin that isn’t covered, especially the back of the neck, tips of the ears, lips, arms and hands. Put it on before you go out and then again every two hours, especially after swimming, sweating or towelling off.

Shade for the hottest hours

Sunscreen gives you some protection, but did you know that 60% of the most harmful rays and heat are between 10:00 to 15:00? The best way to protect yourself from sun and heat is to keep out of the sun for the hottest hours of the day.

Wear a hat

Your face is particularly sensitive to sun damage. So wear sunscreen and a hat with a brim to protect your face from the sun. Hats also help you keep cooler.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking water is good for your health and keeps your skin looking good. In general, people don’t find sweat attractive, but you sweat for a really good reason. It’s your body’s way of cooling you down and getting rid of toxins. You have to replace the fluids you lose, so drink more water if it’s hot out. It’ll cool you down.

Keep this in mind if you start feeling lazy

Being out in the sun and heat can become more serious than just feeling hot and uncomfortable. Even having one bad sunburn, especially while you’re a child, can increase your chance of getting skin cancer.

If it’s warm, you can lose more fluids than you take in. This is called dehydration and can lead to heatstroke, where your body can start shutting down because it’s too warm and you cannot cool yourself down.

Protect yourself from the sun and keep safe, healthy and comfortable.

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