Protect your brain from attack

There are many excellent reasons to go for yearly screening tests. The sooner you detect changes in your body, the sooner you can do something to lower the risk of certain conditions developing.

When we encourage you to go for screening tests, we often list high blood pressure and high cholesterol as risk factors for stroke. But what is a stroke and how can you detect it?

What is a stroke?

Sometimes a stroke is called a brain attack. It happens when the blood flow in the brain is interrupted. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to brain cells. When they don’t receive oxygen, they quickly become damaged. Just like a heart attack damages the heart, a stroke damages the brain.

Strokes happen for mainly two reasons:

  • A blood clot forms in a blood vessel and blocks an artery in the brain
  • A blood vessel bursts in the brain and bleeds into the brain.

Every stroke is different and the effects are different based on where in the brain the blood clot was and how long the blood flow was interrupted. After you’ve had a stroke you could have after effects such as paralysis, muscle weakness, and problems with eyesight and communication.

You could save a life if you act FAST

FAST is a simple way to remember the signs of a stroke that show you need to get medical help right away. The sooner you get help for a stroke, the less damage the stroke does and the better your chances of recovery.

Face: Ask the person to smile. Does their face droop or does one side not move as well as the other?

Arms: Ask the person to lift both arms above their head and keep them there. Does one arm not move or slowly come down?

Speech: Ask the person to repeat a short sentence (e.g. “It is a sunny day in Cape Town”). Did the person use the right words without slurring?

Time: If you spot any of these signs, call emergency services and make a note of when the symptoms started.

How can you reduce your risk of having a stroke?

Eating a balanced diet, exercising and having yearly screening tests can reduce your chances of developing many conditions, including stroke.

Non-smokers have a lower risk of having a stroke than smokers. If you drink alcohol, only drink in moderation. This will help you to keep your blood pressure stable and improve your general health.