Earn Discovery Miles everywhere you shop

Be rewarded with Discovery Miles as you spend anywhere on your DiscoveryCard. The more you spend on your DiscoveryCard, the more Discovery Miles you will earn!

Want to earn up to 10 times your Discovery Miles?

Multiply your Miles by

With the HealthyLiving Miles Multiplier benefit you can get up to 10 times more Discovery Miles on all your DiscoveryCard spend at any of these leading major retailers:

You can now reward yourself by spending your Discovery Miles
Pay with your Miles

Use your Miles to shop online through discovery/mall or book and save on your local flights with kulula.com.

Convert your Miles

You can convert your accumulated Discovery Miles to Avios points or SAA Voyager Miles and redeem them on flights, hotels and more.

Increase your cash back with your Miles

Pay for your trip with Contiki, World Leisure Holidays or Royal Caribbean International using your DiscoveryCard, and redeem your Miles.

Missing out on Discovery Miles?

If you haven’t activated the Discovery Miles benefit yet, you can start rewarding yourself today. Simply activate the benefit for a yearly linkage fee and earn up to 10 times the rewards!

For more information or if you have any queries, call us on 0860 11 2273. Discovery Miles monthly earning limits, terms and conditions apply.

DiscoveryCard cash back is limited to R2000 per month.

DiscoveryCard is operated by Discovery Vitality (Pty) Ltd, registration number: 1999/007736/07, an authorised financial services provider under the banking licence of FirstRand Bank Limited, registration number 1929/001225/06, an authorised financial services and registered credit provider, NCA Reg No. NCRP20. Terms and conditions apply.



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