Vitality Schools

The Vitality Schools Programme website is designed to make it easier for you to access the information you need to make your school healthier.

Established in 2008, the programme helps teachers guide their learners towards a healthy, active lifestyle, giving them the tools and support they need along the way. It’s something South African kids really need. According to the 2014 Healthy Active Kids South Africa Report Card, our country’s children scored a D for overall health – a drop from a C- in 2010’s report card.


for schools

Lesson plans & manuals

As a teacher, you can also help learners get the most out of your Physical Education lessons and coaching sessions by downloading and using the lesson plans and coaching manuals. You also have access to educational posters for the tuck shop and playground.

Research & expert guidance

You can find out what the state of South Africa's kids' health is with the Healthy Active Kids South Africa Report cards (we now have 3 reports cards from 2007, 2010 and 2014). If you're looking for expert advice, you also have access to useful presentations packed with information on physical activity and healthy lifestyle-related issues for kids.


Healthy Schools Teacher’s Course

Everyone benefits from a healthier environment, and the Vitality Schools Programme wants to help all schools get there. Principals, HOD’s, educators, coaches, tuck shop owners and other passionate individuals can sign up for a free online course that teaches you how to create healthier school environments.

Find out more

Active Kids Report Card

The Healthy Active Kids South Africa Report Card looks at the overall state of health in our nation’s youth. In the 2007 report South Africa scored a C-. The 2010 Healthy Active Kids Report Card showed that half of South African children are not physically active enough. In 2014 the overall grade had dropped to a D.

The facts about our childrens' health
Disney HealthyLiving TV spot


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